A floater is a useful shot in basketball, particularly when you need to release the ball over taller defenders or in crowded situations near the basket. Here are some tips to help you improve your floater:

  1. Practice proper footwork: Footwork is crucial for executing a successful floater. Start with a quick first step towards the basket, taking a long stride with your inside foot (the foot closest to the basket). This helps create space between you and the defender. As you approach the basket, leap off your inside foot while maintaining control and balance.
  2. Develop touch and control: The floater requires finesse and touch to softly release the ball over defenders. Focus on using your fingertips to guide the ball and release it with a gentle touch. Practice different variations of the floater from various angles to improve your control and consistency.
  3. Master the release point: Finding the right release point is crucial for an effective floater. Experiment with releasing the ball at different heights and distances from the basket to determine what works best for you. Aim for a high release to give the ball a better chance to softly drop into the basket.
  4. Utilize the backboard: Incorporate the backboard as a guide for your floater. Instead of aiming directly at the rim, focus on releasing the ball at an angle off the backboard. This technique increases your margin for error and makes the shot more forgiving if you miss slightly.
  5. Improve your body control: Work on improving your body control and balance while executing a floater. Practice landing softly on your feet after releasing the shot to maintain stability and allow for a quick recovery in case of a rebound or potential follow-up play.
  6. Incorporate game-like scenarios: Replicate game situations while practicing your floaters. Imagine defenders in front of you, challenging your shot, or incorporate defensive drills where you have to navigate through obstacles before releasing the floater. Simulating realistic scenarios helps improve your decision-making and execution under pressure.
  7. Practice with both hands: Develop proficiency with your off-hand as well. Being able to shoot floaters with both hands adds versatility to your offensive repertoire and makes you harder to defend. Dedicate time to practicing floaters with your non-dominant hand to improve your overall scoring ability
  8. Film and analyze your technique: Record your practice sessions or games to review your floater technique. Analyze your footwork, release point, and body control. Look for areas of improvement and identify any common mistakes or tendencies. This feedback will help you refine your technique and make necessary adjustments.


  1. Seek guidance from a coach or trainer: Work with a knowledgeable coach or trainer who can provide specific feedback and tailored drills to improve your floater. They can help identify any technical flaws and provide guidance on how to correct them. Their expertise can accelerate your progress and provide valuable insights.
  2. Practice consistently: Like any skill in basketball, consistent practice is essential to improve your floater. Incorporate floater-specific drills into your training routine regularly. Set aside dedicated time to work on this shot and gradually increase the difficulty as you become more comfortable and proficient.

Remember, developing a reliable floater takes time and repetition. Be patient and persistent in your practice, and gradually incorporate your improved floater into game situations.